OKA Summer Party 2015
08 Aug 2015
Rena and Naina are delighted to announce their forthcoming event, OKA Summer Party:Post Event Update9 August 2015The sun was gloriously shining down on our first OKA garden party on Saturday 8th August 2015. A fun filled afternoon was enjoyed by the 70+ guests from teens to grown-ups who attended. From obstacle courses to pinning the tail on the donkey, guessing the number of sweets, a crazy photo booth, a cosy shisha corner, raffle prizes galore, music and Bollywood dancing. What an array of delicious home-made food was served throughout the day from stone baked pizzas to scrumptious melt in the mouth brownies, all celebrated to the theme of a Wild West backdrop in red, white and blue. Over £2000 was raised with welcome feedback to make this a regular annual event for One Kind Act.Event DetailsRena & Naina are hosting a Summer Party for One Kind ActAll Drinks and Food Included Saturday, August 8th from 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM3 Ross Close Harrow HA3 6SR This is a ticketed event cost £25.00pp Please note there is limited spaces, so buy tickets asap Friends and Family welcomeAbout One Kind ActOne Kind Act Changes Communities and lives of others globally who suffer as a result of Poverty of Health, Nutrition and Education and may have Fallen Through The Net of the larger charities. Learn More here
Aroon & Mayoor's 100 Mile Cycle Ride through the...
28 May 2015 - 02 Sep 2015
Aroon & Mayoor are delighted to announce their forthcoming event, 100 Mile Cycle Ride: Event DetailsOur Challenge is a small gesture to see the happiness in othersDear Family & Friends, After climbing Stok Kangri 6,153m last year we set ourselves a challenge to participate in the Prudential Cycle Ride which starts at the Queen Elizabeth Park, then follows a 100 mile route through the Capital, finishing at The Mall in central London.Our early morning Sunday training has had it's up's and down's literally and many falls along the way, coming home feeling like a school kid with blood and bruises has just made us more determined. Please support us and together we can make it happen!!Thank you About One Kind ActOne Kind Act Changes Communities and lives of others globally who suffer as a result of Poverty of Health, Nutrition and Education and may have Fallen Through The Net of the larger charities. Learn More here
Chitra's Indian Cookery Demo
03 Jul 2015
Chitra Prashar is delighted to announce her forthcoming event, Chitra’s Indian Cookery Demo: Post Event Update4 July 2015, Chitra PrasharOn Friday 3rd July, I held a fundraiser event to raise money for OKA. The event was a fun filled evening of wining and dining alongside an Indian cookery demonstration.The warm summer evening kicked off with drinks and canapes on the patio followed by an introduction to OKA and what we stand for. My guests then gathered in the kitchen and I demonstrated various Indian recipes. They were then given recipe booklets and samples of condiments to take home. Then dinner followed, sampling the food we had cooked.The evening was a great success and thankfully the demo was not as nerve racking as I envisaged. 21 ladies attended the event, helping to raise £900.I would like to extend my heart-felt thanks to all the ladies for their support and for making this possible. Chitra PrasharEvent DetailsI’m often being asked for recipes from friends and family and thus have taken the opportunity to hold an Indian cookery demonstration evening as a charitable event for OKA and have fun at the same time, whilst raising money for the charity. It is to be held on 03 July 2015.About One Kind ActOne Kind Act Changes Communities and lives of others globally who suffer as a result of Poverty of Health, Nutrition and Education and may have Fallen Through The Net of the larger charities. Learn More here
Neena's Butter Chicken For OKA Charity
31 May 2015 - 24 Jun 2015
Neena Koshal is delighted to announce her forthcoming event, Neena’s Butter Chicken for OKA Charity:Post Event Update23 June 2015, Neena KoshalI couldn't believe the response, it was absolutely amazing! Within 5 days, I had over 125 orders of butter chicken, and had to say "next time" to just as many friends/family!Butter chicken day was Friday 22nd June, and there was a lot of Indian spices to roast and grind before actually cooking. My biggest headache was where was I going to store 65lbs of chicken......20 pints of cream......10 packets of butter......so my neighbours’ fridges came into action. On the day itself, cooking started at 6am, and I finished all the cooking, cooling down, packing etc by 3pm, loaded up the car and started on my deliveries, and finally got home at 7pm. And there was not enough butter chicken left for dinner, so we ended up eating good old fish and chips!Total raised for One Kind Act was £685Thank you all so much.NeenaEvent DetailsI developed my love for cooking from my mother and my sister, both of whom loved to cook dishes from all over the world. So when I had my children, and was a bored mum at home, I set up a business, using my culinary skills, with my sister in law. We provided fresh home-made Indian food every Friday, to parents at my children's school. Our signature dish was the butter chicken.So after looking for a possible idea to raise funds for One Kind Act, I have decided to offer to cook butter chicken, after an absence of 8 years, to the same parents and extended the offer to family and friends.So here goes…..About One Kind ActOne Kind Act Changes Communities and lives of others globally who suffer as a result of Poverty of Health, Nutrition and Education and may have Fallen Through The Net of the larger charities. Learn More here
Alisha's Valentine's Day at Oliver Goldsmith School
12 Feb 2015 - 12 Apr 2015
Alisha is delighted to announce her forthcoming event, Valentine's Day at OGS!Post Event Update16 February 2015The children at Oliver Goldsmith Primary School helped raise money for a very worthy cause.Throughout the week they used their creative skills and made hand crafted cards, friendship bracelets, heart shaped biscuits, cakes and various other stuff to sell for Valentine's Day. On Friday 13th February, the children and staff helped by donating their time and ideas in order to make this event a great success. They helped by raising money for the charity 'One Kind Act' and by spreadingthe love. It was so lovely to see the excitement in the room which had spread across the whole school as everyone was buzzing and took the time to purchase something for their family, friends and loved ones. I would like to take the opportunity to thank the children, staff and school for making this day a great success. I am proud to say we raised a total of £347.60. As a school we will continue to work together to raise awareness and think about others who are less fortunate than ourselves.Alisha Malhotra (Primary Teacher at OGS)About One Kind ActOne Kind Act Changes Communities and lives of others globally who suffer as a result of Poverty of Health, Nutrition and Education and may have Fallen Through The Net of the larger charities. Learn More here
Alisha & Niraj's Skydiving Experience!
11 Feb 2015 - 29 Apr 2015
Alisha and Niraj are delighted to announce their forthcoming event, A Skydiving Experience: Event DetailsAs head of the Youth group of One Kind Act I am proud to introduce the debut fundraising event. I have previously raised money for various charities by doing different things, however this by far is something way out of my comfort zone. To overcome our fear we aim to raise money and support this charity OKA. We decided to take the plunge and see what it is like to fly in the clouds. Skydiving is not just falling; it is flying! We are both really looking forward to the adrenaline rush so please help by donating and supporting us so that we can make a difference and bring a smile to someone out there. About One Kind ActOne Kind Act Changes Communities and lives of others globally who suffer as a result of Poverty of Health, Nutrition and Education and may have Fallen Through The Net of the larger charities. Learn More here
Rupa's Car Boot Sale
26 Jun 2015 - 26 Oct 2015
Rupa is delighted to announce her forthcoming event, Rupa's Car Boot Sale:Post Event Update25 October 2016We all have so much clutter and I thought with the help of Sonia why not do a car boot sale to raise money for OKA.Praying for good weather we set up early and managed to raise £185.00. It was a good experience and we learnt a lot from the day and hope to repeat this next year.Rupa SamaniAbout One Kind ActOne Kind Act Changes Communities and lives of others globally who suffer as a result of Poverty of Health, Nutrition and Education and may have Fallen Through The Net of the larger charities. Learn More here
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