Leena & Vishal Survival Of The Fittest
16 Aug 2015 - 16 Dec 2015
Leena and Vishaal are delighted to announce their forthcoming event, Leena and Vishaal Survival of The Fittest:Post Event Update22 Nov 2015, Leena NayyarThe big day dawned and given the time of year the weather was awful. It was windy, raining and so very cold. It was especially challenging during one of the obstacles which involved running through a large stream of freezing cold water for about 2km.We set off and I thought I was doing OK until I reached what was the lowest point of my day. I was stuck on one of the obstacles - jumping off this 3 storey building into a large foam pad. I have a massive fear of heights and it was just something I could not get myself to do. I wasted a lot of my time just trying to wriggle out of this obstacle but at one point the organisers realised the queues were building and decided to push me off. I landed safely on the padding but realised that it was not as difficult as I had made it out to be. I could have done it myself and I did not need someone to push me. It gave me an impetus to carry on but honestly the best part was when it was all over! The whole event was super challenging and even having a decent fitness and endurance level did not help much with the obstacles, but it felt great to have done it and completed it. I must train harder for next time! There was a huge sense of achievement and satisfaction and we both felt absolutely fantastic for having done it. The icing on the cake was the generous amount of money we raised for OKA and the warm feeling that the world was a better place as a result.Pre-event Update15 Nov 2015, Leena NayyarMy husband Vishaal and I have signed up for Men's Health Survival of the Fittest as it was something he has done for 3 years in a row. I decided to join in as I thought it would be a great challenge and we could raise money for OKA. I have never done anything even remotely similar to this! What we have signed up for is world's biggest urban obstacle course/race over 10K with at least 50 obstacles. With obstacles like "slippery wall", "angled wall", "army assault course" and "crouching handbag hidden hernia", we need every bit of courage and fortitude.Training is proving to be very difficult as we are also in the middle of a house move. We have done several runs outside and also some strength training work outs. We have focused on outdoor training , so we can be best prepared for the obstacles that we were going to face at the event.Event DetailsOKA CHARITY OBSTACLE COURSE RUN We are both participating in the world's biggest urban obstacle course/race over 10K with at least 50 obstacles. With obstacles like "slippery wall", "angled wall", "army assault course" and "crouching handbag hidden hernia", we will need every bit of support we can get. This is a mental and physical challenge that will be really very difficult in the cold and rain of London’s winter. Notwithstanding the fact that this will be a huge challenge to us, we are mindful that people all over the world face far tougher daily challenges and it is with this in mind that we would like to raise money for One Kind Act (OKA). We love this charity as it is run by volunteers who take no salary and they aim to make sure all donations go to the end cause with minimum overheads. One Kind Act aims to alleviate poverty and is always looking for causes that may have slipped through the net and are not always supported by the bigger charities.We are beyond excited to raise as much as we can for this as we know this is going to directly help improve lives. As we take pride in overcoming the obstacles ahead of us, we turn to our friends and family to please join us and share that feeling by donating generously to OKA. Please support this cause and help with whatever you can - a little bit from you could mean the world to someone else. Thank you for your support. About One Kind ActOne Kind Act Changes Communities and lives of others globally who suffer as a result of Poverty of Health, Nutrition and Education and may have Fallen Through The Net of the larger charities. Learn More here
OKA Youth Karaoke Night!
18 Sep 2015
Alisha and Karun are delighted to announce their forthcoming event, Youth Karaoke Night: Event DetailsHello all, there will be an event taking place on Friday 18th September presented by the youth of OKA !!! This will be a karaoke night at Sync Bar, starting from 8pm onwards. Please confirm your attendance as soon as possible are there are limited spaces available. Tickets are £20 which includes a variety of nibbles, a complimentary drink and 2hours of karaoke. The event is a good opportunity to help an incredible charity, which we have the pleasure of being a part of, as well as singing your hearts out. Please join us by helping support this charity, whilst at the same time having fun. Alisha & KarunAbout One Kind ActOne Kind Act Changes Communities and lives of others globally who suffer as a result of Poverty of Health, Nutrition and Education and may have Fallen Through The Net of the larger charities. Learn More here
Alisha's Valentine's Day at Oliver Goldsmith School
12 Feb 2015 - 12 Apr 2015
Alisha is delighted to announce her forthcoming event, Valentine's Day at OGS!Post Event Update16 February 2015The children at Oliver Goldsmith Primary School helped raise money for a very worthy cause.Throughout the week they used their creative skills and made hand crafted cards, friendship bracelets, heart shaped biscuits, cakes and various other stuff to sell for Valentine's Day. On Friday 13th February, the children and staff helped by donating their time and ideas in order to make this event a great success. They helped by raising money for the charity 'One Kind Act' and by spreadingthe love. It was so lovely to see the excitement in the room which had spread across the whole school as everyone was buzzing and took the time to purchase something for their family, friends and loved ones. I would like to take the opportunity to thank the children, staff and school for making this day a great success. I am proud to say we raised a total of £347.60. As a school we will continue to work together to raise awareness and think about others who are less fortunate than ourselves.Alisha Malhotra (Primary Teacher at OGS)About One Kind ActOne Kind Act Changes Communities and lives of others globally who suffer as a result of Poverty of Health, Nutrition and Education and may have Fallen Through The Net of the larger charities. Learn More here
Alisha & Niraj's Skydiving Experience!
11 Feb 2015 - 29 Apr 2015
Alisha and Niraj are delighted to announce their forthcoming event, A Skydiving Experience: Event DetailsAs head of the Youth group of One Kind Act I am proud to introduce the debut fundraising event. I have previously raised money for various charities by doing different things, however this by far is something way out of my comfort zone. To overcome our fear we aim to raise money and support this charity OKA. We decided to take the plunge and see what it is like to fly in the clouds. Skydiving is not just falling; it is flying! We are both really looking forward to the adrenaline rush so please help by donating and supporting us so that we can make a difference and bring a smile to someone out there. About One Kind ActOne Kind Act Changes Communities and lives of others globally who suffer as a result of Poverty of Health, Nutrition and Education and may have Fallen Through The Net of the larger charities. Learn More here
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