Olivia Lyons is delighted to announce her forthcoming event, her 5K Gotham City Virtual Race:
Hi everybody! My name is Olivia.
During these challenging times for all of us I’ve realised how lucky I am! To have my mum and dad working and earning money, to have a nice garden where I can go and chill out, to have nice things I can play with is great, but I know that not everybody is as lucky and with the pandemic many people have struggled.
That’s why I have decided I want to take part in the Gotham City Virtual Race with my friends Zane and Kyzen to raise money for One Kind Act.
My Dad tells me all about the great things One Kind Act do as a charity and he is also doing a lot longer run than me to raise money for them. My Dad is making me go running with him to train which is a little scary!!!!
I’m hoping that by doing this run I can raise a lot of money for One Kind Act so they can help the people that need it and those that are not as lucky as I am.
I am going to train and run the 5K in my summer holidays, and maybe with Zane and Kyzen which will make it more fun!
Please help me raise money to help those less fortunate.
No donation is too small and everything you donate will go towards making someone’s life just a little bit better.
Olivia xx.

About One Kind Act
One Kind Act Changes Communities and lives of others globally who suffer as a result of Poverty of Health, Nutrition and Education and may have Fallen Through The Net of the larger charities. Learn More here