One Kind Act are delighted to announce the return of our flagship fundraiser, DARE TO DREAM Gala Ball:
Post Event Update
WE RAISED IN THE REGION OF £300,000 on the night of our Dare to Dream Ball held on Saturday 25 March. The final figure is not yet established as pledges are still being collected.
We wanted to leave a legacy, to build a whole new school for the poorest children who often have no hope, no opportunities, not even the luxury to dream.
And so, after a 3 year Covid enforced break, our biggest, brightest, glitziest event – the DARE TO DREAM GALA BALL returned.
A cocktail and canapé reception, a 3 course silver service dinner, live music, dancing, singing, and the OKA joie de vivre saw over 500 guests swept up in the merriment of the evening.
Inspiring speeches, powerful videos, designer raffle prizes, high-end auction offers and the kindness of OKA supporters led to almost £300,000 being raised.
We were flabbergasted - That’s not just 1 but 2 whole schools we can build, and leave a legacy for thousands of needy children who can now Dare to Dream.
Event Details
I was the child who had no dreams, but now..........
I dream of being a doctor - Shyam, 9, son of a rickshaw driver
I dream of being a famous singer - Anjali, 7, a rag picker
I dream of being a teacher - Meera, 10, daughter of a labourer
I dream of buying a home - Ahmed, 11, a street child
I dream of education and freedom - Ranju, 10, daughter of a sex worker
Join us in being the ray of hope that allows the poorest, most vulnerable children to DARE TO DREAM by attending a spectacular, magical evening of high glamour, drinks, fine food, incredible prizes, lively music, dancing and fun.
Yuva Unstoppable is based in India whose vision is to transform the lives of underprivileged children and improve their learning opportunities by upgrading the basic amenities and providing digital classrooms at schools as well as facilitating Scholarship programmes for highly academic youth who otherwise cannot extract themselves out of the poverty cycle.
Money raised on the night will go towards building this state of the art school with Yuva Unstoppable, educating up to 700 of the poorest and most vulnerable children, enabling them to gain wings to their dreams!
For further details on Yuva Unstoppable, please visit our Charity Partner page on website
The Gala Ball is One Kind Act's biggest night out which has quickly earned the reputation of a "must attend" event so please book quickly before we are sold out. Bring along your partners, friends, colleagues and business associates.
You are invited to purchase tables of 12 or 10 for either Premium or Standard tickets. The Premium tables will be in a prime location, and will include 2 chilled bottles of champagne.
Premium Tables: £1800/£1500 for a table of 12/10 (equivalent to £150 per person). Please note only 16 Premium tables are available
Standard Tables: £1440/£1200 for a table of 12/10 (equivalent to £120 per person).
Please appreciate that as this is a Charity Ball, there will be no refunds once purchase has been made.
FOOD ALLERGIES: Any enquiries regarding ticket purchase or food allergies, please contact Shamit Malhotra on or Annu Shah on
- Please Be Prompt as all Starters will only be served during Reception Drinks from 6.00pm.
- Where photos and videos have been taken at our fundraising events, we will use these for marketing purposes on our website and on social media. Please contact us on if you do not want your photo/video used.

Thank You So Much to Richa & Yatish (Raju) Varma for their kind donation of £5000.00 towards sponsoring the ball.