One Kind Act are delighted to announce our new Sponsor Partnership with Brinda Jaykant Shah Foundation (BJSF).
One Kind Act are privileged to have secured the support of the Brinda Jaykant Shah Foundation (BJSF) as our new Sponsor Partner. The foundation’s ethos is to enable the betterment of society, WITHOUT ACCEPTING THIRD PARTY DONATIONS.
BJSF Legacy Statement for One Kind Act
As people progress through their life journey, they have had time to experience & learn more, have meaningful memories and create their own story of the purpose in life. Leaving a bequest in a Will to Charity encourages a person to think about their life and what matters to them. There is also a greater sense of meaning in the act of leaving a Charitable Gift in a Will - because it provides a way for people to make a difference after they are gone, enhancing that person’s ultimate purpose in life. Their legacy will live on and benefit future generations, which is an incredibly positive way to be remembered.
BJSF was formed with this purpose as its core mission - to provide funds to registered charities that seek to create sustainable improvement in the lives of people through the provision of education in schools and schools’ facilities that are open to the public and operate in disadvantaged communities and rural areas such as in India and Tanzania.
For more information on the Legacy Giving including taxation advantages, please go to our page on Legacy on this website.
BJSF Philanthropy
Prior to setting up the Foundation, donations were made to various UK Register charities, few are Bhakivrdanta (ISKON), Anoopam Mission, The Friend of St Thomas Hospital, Woking & Sam Beare Hospice, Mind, The silver Line, Surrey Hindu Cultural Association (SHCA), Lohana Mahajan( UK), Arukah Network, Just Giving, International Association of Human Values ,Shri Sanatan, Chithurst Buddhist Monastery, Surrey Community Action, Macmillian, etc
Now that Foundation is legally established, it will carry on making donating together with family members towards good causes to make a world better place……… as a legacy to mankind.
Through its kind and generous donations, the Foundation has contributed hugely towards the following projects supported by One Kind Act:
YUVA Unstoppable
School in Mokshi, Gujurat
Through YUVA Unstoppable’s School Transformation Program, which aims to create a child friendly and clean learning environment for children in government schools in India, it was fitting for the Founders to choose to build a brand NEW school in the village of Mokshi, Gujurat. This was the village in which the Founder’s father lived and grew up before he migrated to Tanzania, Africa. The new build will include a Community Hall, Smart/Google based classroom, another classroom, a science laboratory, school garden with security entry gate and drinking water area.
A worthy tribute/gift to his village.
Made with Hope
School in Marurani, Tanzania
Made with Hope’s MARURANI School Project, which aims to similarly renovate and build new constructions at this school in rural Tanzania. The Founder was born in Arusha and his late wife in Moshi. Marurani is between these two cities. He is grateful to the people of Tanzania prior to arriving in UK and wishes to support this project to show his appreciation by building NEW water tanks to enable rain-water harvesting and by installing NEW classrooms and a girls toilet block.
School in Manyire, Tanzania
The Founder continued to support Made with Hope’s MANYIRE School Project, which also aims to similarly renovate and build new constructions at this school in rural Tanzania. With the funds donated by this Foundation, Made with Hope were able to construct 11 girls toilets, 2 boys toilets, 1 changing room and 1 disabled-access toilet for 612 students at Manyire Primary School. This project has dramatically increased the attendance of girls as they now have a safe and private space to use during their menstruation. They no longer have to miss out on up to 50 days of school a year just because they have no sanitary place to manage their period at school. This in turn is improving their academic attainment and their chances of passing their exams to enter secondary school at age 14.'
School in Muungano, Tanzania
Water shortages are widely prevalent in Tanzania affecting lives of people including school children who miss classes while fetching water for daily use. A typical case is that of Muungano Primary School in Arusha. The school is located in a disadvantaged village that is so remote, yet students are eager to learn. Muungano Primary school has a total number of 511 Pupils and the only available water source they have was one tap that supplies water to school only twice in a week for only two hours. They do not have even preserve water at the school.
Therefore, our Sponsor Partner decided to support the Muungano project, which installed 15 water tanks and gutters from the rooftops of the classrooms connected directly to tanks so that there is capability to collect clean rainwater for drinking and washing. Each tank has a capacity of 5000 litres each, which means 75000 litres of clean water in total. This has hugely transformed these children's lives through good health and education.
‘Our decision to visit Marurani School was mainly to see what difference it has made to the community and to decide before our Foundation makes any additional donation.
To our surprise when we reached our destination, there was big gathering waiting to welcome us. We were given Masi dress and we danced with them on the stage. After few speeches in Swahali, we cut the ribbon to open the classroom, girl's toilet, hand washing station and RWH section.
We feel having a new class room has many environmental benefits. Our donation has improved academic performance, pupils' attendance, and exam success rate is now 98%.
Looking overall the best investment from our donation is as follows.
This has made a huge difference for girls as it now has a toilet block consisting of 10 toilets, with one accessible toilet, specially designed to accommodate people with physical disabilities . There is hand washing station with 12 taps, a changing room and a dedicated incinerator for waste disposal. Cupboards with menstrual provisions is available in the girls' toilets to encourage girls to attend school when menstruating.
Rainwater Harvesting Tanks:
8 New rainwater harvesting systems equipped with 5000 litre water tanks.( installed 8 x 5000L) This provides 40,000L of water at school which will help the students so they do not have to walk a great distance to fetch water or have to carry water with them to school.
Taking the above into consideration, we have pledged to donate towards Toilets and Rainwater Harvesting Tanks for an additional 4 to 5 schools as we feel it will make vast difference to their lives.
Thank you, OKA, for introducing us to Made with Hope'.
The family members of the Foundation wish to thank GOD for where they have reached, seeing they arrived penniless into UK, and ask for His blessings to carry on with their donation philosophy.
They thank OKA for all their efforts.

About One Kind Act
One Kind Act Changes Communities and lives of others globally who suffer as a result of Poverty of Health, Nutrition and Education and may have Fallen Through The Net of the larger charities. Learn More here